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Fraunhofer ITWM / Press Release / 05.02.2025

Dynamic Electricity Prices and Flexibility Marketing for Schoonship

The Schoonschip floating energy community in the Netherlands has been linking 30 houses with energy and flexibility markets since January 2025. The ITWM solution optimizes the forecast of consumption and generation.


Fraunhofer ITWM / Podcast »Streuspanne« / 04.02.2025

Can Statistics Be Used to Predict the Next Federal Chancellor?

The new episode of »Streuspanne« is about election polls and their uncertainties. Using Donald Trump's surprising re-election as an example, we explain how forecasts are made, where their pitfalls lie and how their quality can be assessed. Elections are also coming up in Germany – could we be in for a similar surprise here?


Fraunhofer ITWM / News / 31.01.2025

School Internship at the Fraunhofer ITWM

What might an internship at the Fraunhofer ITWM look like? Marie Krol, an 11th grade student at Gymnasium am Rittersberg, is completing an internship in the »Image Processing« department and is using artificial intelligence to create images for the visual inspection of carrots.


Fraunhofer ITWM / Press Release / 28.01.2025

Ministry Funds New Quality Assurance Project

All companies want to produce as efficiently as possible, make optimum use of their machines and avoid wasting resources. The Re(Pro)³ project is researching how inline process and product monitoring can help companies achieve this. 


Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences / Press Release / 27.01.2025

Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences receives 300,000 euros

Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences is receiving 300,000 euros to improve its research infrastructure in biotechnology and health. This funding supports eight projects and strengthens the university's competitive position. Ministerial Director Katharina Heil and Vice President Prof. Dr. Karl-Herbert Schäfer emphasize the importance of the university for innovative research in Rhineland-Palatinate.


DFKI / News / 26.01.2025

Skindoc: Explainable AI for Teledermatology

The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) presents SkinDoc, an AI-supported solution for teledermatology. The application enables precise assessment of skin lesions and uses explainable AI methods. SkinDoc combines research with practical applicability and contributes to the early detection of skin cancer.


RPTU / Press Release / 23.01.2025

How Can Sustainable Energy Supply via Photovoltaics Be Achieved Cost-Effectively for Everyone?

The founding team of »GreenTerraWatts« has developed a solution that makes solar energy accessible to tenants and listed buildings. Their product combines darkening with solar panels that are mounted on window frames. In January 2025, the team received an EXIST start-up grant to further develop its market presence.


Fraunhofer IESE & RPTU & JU Würzburg / Press Release / 23.01.2025

Best Paper Award für das DI-DERAMSys Projekt

The Fraunhofer IESE team, together with RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau and JMU Würzburg, received the Best Paper Award for the power simulator DRAMPower 5. The simulator addresses the power consumption of DRAM and enables early power estimations. Together with DRAMSys, it forms a digital twin of physical DRAM systems.

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