Online Seminar  /  20. Juni 2024  -  27. Juni 2024, 9:00 h – 14:00 h / 9:00 h – 13:00 h

Scientific Writing in STEM Subjects (»MINT« subjects)

What's it About?

The main focus of this online workshop is upon how to structure and how to present you data and messages in a scientific manuscript. The online workshop consists of two parts: theory and practice


Learn step by step how to go about writing a paper:

Selecting and organising data: Which data can I publish? Do I already have enough results for a publication? How should I organise my paper? I will introduce simple strategies you can use to find answers to these questions.

What are the sections of a paper and how are they structured: We will look at the sections of a scientific paper (abstract, introduction, materials & methods, results, discussion) and discuss in detail which kinds of information belong in each section and how these contents need to be presented in the sections.

Submitting the finished paper: Choosing a journal to submit your paper to; what to take care of when submitting the manuscript; how to deal with the referees' replies - from rejected to accepted.

Other topics: How to make your manuscript coherent - structural and linguistic tools. No writing without reading. Help, I have writer's block! 


Analysis of your own texts: You bring your own texts along. Together, we will analyse these in detail based on the principles you have learned in the workshop and will also revise the texts accordingly. You will experience how your text is perceived by your readers and how to improve it.

And Besides …

A handbook, and plenty of space for discussion: The workshop includes a comprehensive handbook that describes step by step how to prepare a publication, many examples for you to learn from and a lot of space for discussion and individual questions.