Face-to-face seminar / 24. März 2025, 24.03.2025: 09:00 h – 17:00 h
Good Scientific Practice - Avoid Research Misconduct
What's it About?
As a researcher, you have the privilege of working freely and creatively, pursuing your own interests and expanding the knowledge base of the scientific community - and the community in general. This freedom comes with responsibility: the responsibility for self-control, accuracy, honesty, efficiency and objectivity. The scientific community has established rules for research integrity integrity, aimed at preserving the freedom of research and preventing scientific misconduct.
What's the Point?
In this workshop, participants will learn about the rules of scientific integrity and good scientific practice and learn how to avoid research misconduct.
The workshop presents the current statutes on research integrity (Singapore Statement, ALLEA Code of Conduct, DFG Codex, guidelines of the German Rectors' Conference) as well as local regulations.
In addition, awareness of the importance of good scientific practice in the various scientific disciplines is to be raised. The workshop will not only focus on compliance but also prepares scientists from all academic disciplines for the complexities and dilemmas of everyday research by promoting the development of morals and values.